Crime vs Cancer

Security Risk Assessment: In the security meeting the independent security consultant will explain in greater detail the comparison between crime and cancer. Is that not a bit harsh?

What is the difference?

You see, crime in South Africa should be compared to cancer because it destroys, kills, and devastates wherever it goes. Crime does the same and will continue to do so unless we take action to stop it.

Cancer and money

Individuals tend to skip a risk assessment because they assume it to be too expensive or an unnecessary cost. However, when you inform that same individual that he has cancer, he somehow finds the money to receive the care and medication he needs.

When they do not have enough money, they frequently seek alternate treatments or remedies that will help. They don’t just sit there and shrug, do they? They act, whether it be a change in lifestyle, habits, or other factors.

Of course, this is not a nice comparison, but when you think about it, crime has the same impact on people’s lives as cancer.

Crime, like cancer, affects all genders, ages, races, and cultures. It is not fussy at all. It can happen to anyone, regardless of their age.

Security does not always cost money. At times, it may imply a shift in mindset, awareness, knowledge, and, perhaps most crucially, understanding your security risk, which will allow you to know what to do to improve security on your property. It could be a simple lifestyle adjustment.

When you understand your security risk, you’ll realize why we say security is willpower and crime happens too late.

Crime cannot be reversed, and it leaves emotional and physical scars that never heal. When everyone speaks the same security language, we can stop crime.

Yes, some security measures will be expensive, but keep in mind that you do not have to implement them all at once. Rome wasn’t built in a day. The most important thing is to start.

The difference

The only true distinction between cancer and crime is that if you leave cancer untreated and do not modify your lifestyle and everything that comes with it, only you will die. Read more on Alwinco’s standards, foundation, values, and guidelines that guide an Independent Security Risk Assessor through each Security Risk Assessment.

However, leaving your security ‘untreated’ impacts everyone around you.

Homeowners and business owners should remember to read your security risk assessment report. Written by André Mundell Independent security risk advisor Alwinco. 

Our security risk assessment projects are focused on the Gauteng Region, which includes Waterkloof, Kempton park, Halfway GardensSandton, and Littleton. Additionally, we cover FaunaBluff, and Cape Town.

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Written by Andre Mundell

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